The Most Secure & Encrypted Communications Platform on the Market!
Talk, Chat, Voice and Video Call, IM(Instant Messaging), Browse Online and File Share With Ease & Security!
Each day in your work and personal life, your voice calls, IM content, video calls, emails, texts, chats and data transfer are all vulnerable to attack and your data is at risk of being breached!
Your security encryption keys are easy to find and are held by others: often third parties you don’t know about.
Pryvate stops that from happening.
Our app on your device(s) encrypts your activity. No records exist of your communications which means that hackers don’t have anything to hack.
Freedom of payments with fiat
or crypto through simple
unified DeFi wallet.
Buy, sell and
cross-chain swap
Make payments to user nickname instead of blockchain address and from
within Pryvate chat groups.
One place for all types of
IM/Conference calls/Email)
Highest possible quality of voice and video streams Conference meeting scheduling feature Text chat during audio video calls
No mobile number or no e-mail address required to register.
The Offnet option offers users unparalleled flexibility by enabling effortlessly to connect with contacts on both traditional landline and mobile networks.
Your private life is on display. Everything you do on a mobile device is easily accessible, by anyone! Your workplace communication and information is also at risk of being hacked!
Hackers can exploit security weaknesses in your apps and messaging platforms. Everything you do on your computer and phone could be monitored via government or hacker surveillance.